Developed C Firmware for Analog Devices ADuC7061 ARM microcontroller performing 4-20 milliamp temperature sensing with an LCD and buttons. Created customer PC application to configure sensor and a PC manufacturing and testing application for device.

Developed one button custom installer combining application, multiple third party drivers and custom PC settings.

Developed semiconductor automation equipment in C++ using Windows CE 5.
Modified Windows CE boards support package (BSP) for SH4.

Developed proprietary SSH/SFTP Windows service.

Developed Windows Tablet C++ application to control catheter evaluation test fixture.

Developed C firmware to control LED arrays using Zigbee using an ARM Cortex M3 Marvell microcontroller. Wrote PC application to monitor and control the firmware.

Developed application for organizing and editing of presentations on LCD projection panel in 80×86 assembly language.
Developed personal organizer firmware for first IBM compatible battery operated personal computer in 80×86 assembly language.

Developed CiphergenExpress in a team environment using Java and IntelliJ IDE.
Developed Windows MFC application in a team environment in C++ in an embedded computer to control chip autoloader for mass spectrometer used by biologists for protein analysis.
Developed Windows MFC application in a team environment in C++ in an embedded computer to control mass spectrometer used by biologists for protein analysis.

Developed Windows application to interface to OBID USB and TCP/IP RFID readers for the Bar Master product.
Developed Speed Rail firmware for the Bar Master product that monitors dispenses from bottles using RFID tags and weight change. It used the TI MSP430 (MSP430F2370) and interfaced with the TI TRF7960 RFID reader, the TI ADS1100 16-bit A/D converter and the Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART bridge.
Developed Windows MFC application to graphically display the input from multiple Speed Rails.
Analyzed and fixed problem with interface between MSP430 and Windows C++ application.

Created Visual Basic interface to Ofoto for Windows. It is used to track missing children.
Developed 8051 assembly firmware for medical infusion pump. Company was part of Johnson and Johnson. Now part of GE Medical.

Developed multiple manufacturing test fixtures.
Digital F/X
Developed driver to control NEC-PVR in real time that made it frame accurate.
Developed schematics (Orcad), 80×86 firmware, host API for product that controls 8 video post production VTRs in real time using 8 RS-232 ports. Included roll your own real time multitasking OS.
Created 80386 OS that handled swapping and passing data between multiple MSDOS and MS-Windows 2 tasks and the paging of virtual memory in 80×86 assembly language.

Developed firmware using the ST ARM M4 for a wearable device that performs treatment during temporary periods of cardiac death risk. Wrote PC application to extract data from firmware.

Developed the Glaucoma Goggles firmware using the Cypress PSoC 4 BLE. Wrote PC application to control and monitor the device.

Developed custom one button installer for the Octet System that combines the application, multiple third party drivers and custom PC settings.

Created Windows MFC application in C++ to control mass spectrometer for Genetrace Systems Inc.

Developed VikingPro™ Compact Light Controller in C firmware using MSP430 (MSP430F2232) with the IAR IDE.
Created WinCE and Windows Embedded OS for irrigation controller.

Developed software tools to support debugging of MPEG-2 card for Odeum, a subsidiary of Hyundai Electronics America.
Light Source
Developed Ofoto for Windows 2 for color scanning of images in C++ and MFC.
Developed Ofoto for Windows 1 for gray scale scanning of images in Borland C++.
Developed application to stress test Macintosh ADB connector in Think C.
Developed driver for NEC PC-VCR through ADB port in Think C.

Developed the IntelliSense Orthopaedic Drill firmware using the NXP ARM M3. Wrote PC application to control and monitor the device.
Microtech Research
Interfaced HP 64700 development system and other emulators in C to XRAY application. Microtec Research became part of Mentor Graphics .

Developed low level memory manager and DMA drivers in C for Windows CE and Embedded NT used in satellite TV set top box.

Created C firmware for MSP430 handheld device and C++ firmware for NXP LPC2468 base unit for cryoneurolysis medical device. Wrote PC application to monitor and control the firmware in the base unit and hand held device.

Developed firmware for the Naya Smart Breast Pump using Cypress PSoC 4 BLE. Wrote PC application to monitor and control the firmware.

Developed tool set to port Netscape Unix HTTP servers to Windows NT. Ensured that changes to Unix servers were quickly ported to Windows NT.
Developed custom HTTP browsers for OEM clients.

Developed schematics (Orcad), Windows C++ calibration application and C++ firmware for SWL-7500 OEM-Grade Controller laser controller using NXP LPC2368 and the Keil uVision IDE.
Developed Windows manufacturing application and C++ firmware for custom laser controller using NXP LPC2368 and the Keil uVision IDE.
Developed Windows C++ controller application and C firmware for a Laser beam steering product using the Coldfire (MCF5206E) and Visual Studio IDE.
Developed Windows C++ controller application and multiprocessor C firmware for a product that creates a Laser scanning window by controlling 4 blades at high speed using the Coldfire (3 MCF5206E) and Visual Studio IDE.

Developed the Muscle Stimulation System 110 and 120 firmware using the NXP ARM M3. Wrote PC application to control and monitor the device.

Developed Windows MFC application and Windows Service in C++ to convert a PC into a media center integrating TV tuner, DVD, CD, video and jpeg into single application controlled by a remote.

Developed C firmware for PIC microcontroller that read RFID ISO4443A tags.
Pacific Media Data
Developed 80386 set top box that displayed Electronic Program Guide (EPG) including search functions for actors and shows for cable company.

Upgraded PolicyCenter install to handle changes in Sun server and Windows Server 2003.
Converted their PolicyCenter application into a NT Service. Created a service to monitor the PolicyCenter service. Created install for PolicyCenter.

Developed firmware for custom keyboard and manufacturing test application for keyboard.

Developed Windows application, FileMaker Pro plug-ins, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel plug-ins to read RFID tags implanted in their products.
Developed E-Man Hybrid with LTS pipette with electronic readout in C and assembly firmware using TI MSP430F436.
Developed EDP®3-Plus with LTS electronic pipette in C and assembly firmware using TI MSP430P337.
Developed E3 electronic pipette in assembly firmware using the NEC uPD753036 4-bit microcontroller.
Developed HPLC liquid chromatography pump (later sold to Varian) in C and assembly firmware using 68HC11.

Developed Beacon 3200 Thirty-Two Channel Wall Mount Controller for monitoring gases. Developed Windows graphical application to display historical sensor readings. Developed Windows graphical dashboard application to configure and test controller. Developed Windows application to simulate controller GUI.

Developed Sleep Shepherd sleep monitoring and biofeedback device. Uses BLE to report on EEG brain activity.

Developed firmware to control a machine that mixes ingredients using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream on demand. Wrote PC application to monitor and control the machine.

Developed Windows MFC application using the Agilent Laser Calibrator, the USB-4761 Digital I/O and the 485USB9F USB to RS-485 converter to calibrate, exercise and test their ADP pump product.

Investigated current product and recommended a hardware design approach for next generation.

Developed motor controllers in C and assembly firmware using TI MSP430F1232.
Developed Light Sensor in C++ and assembly firmware using NXP LPC2368.